Mark Bemenderfer

Mark Bemenderfer (91)

Mark is pastor of Lafayette Salem Evangelical Church, and veteran missionary of 30 years.  He and his family have served overseas in China and in the Dominican Republic.  His wife, Rachel, is a local gal from Whittier, IA.  They met while serving in China.


Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

We Must Repent

It turns out, Jesus has some significant expectations for anyone who hears and sees who He is: He expects repentance! He denounces the cities where most of His miracles were done because they didn't repent. Those that heard about and saw His works but didn't…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

What Do You Expect?

Everyone has expectations. Some are fine, some cause a great deal of relational trouble. We even have expectations of God. What do we do when our expectations aren't met? How do we handle it when God doesn't give us what we pray for? When God…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

In or Out?

Jesus sends His twelve disciples out on their first preaching and healing mission, but He gives instructions that surely go far beyond this one little exercise. Those instructions make it sound like preaching the Gospel and healing people is going to generate serious opposition, even…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

What Did We Say?

Ever feel like you said something in all innocence, and someone else blew it up, all out of proportion? You throw your hands up and ask, "What did I say?" Feels like Jesus' disciples would be having that kind of moment, as Jesus describes some…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Workers Found

Jesus asks His disciples to pray for laborers for the harvest field. In almost the next breath, He sends them out on their first preaching mission. Now they're apostles. His instructions for His disciples leave some significant challenges for us. From Matthew 10:1-15.

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