Mark Bemenderfer

Mark Bemenderfer (91)

Mark is pastor of Lafayette Salem Evangelical Church, and veteran missionary of 30 years.  He and his family have served overseas in China and in the Dominican Republic.  His wife, Rachel, is a local gal from Whittier, IA.  They met while serving in China.


Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Passover Preparations

Time is short now. Jesus has finished His teachings on the end of this age and His return. Now it's time to prepare for His departure and inauguration of the New Covenant. So many preparations to make! Over the next 30 verses, we jump from…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

The Final Judgment

Since explaining the timing of His return and the end of the age, Jesus has spoken several parables to urge His disciples to be ready. But what preparations should we be making? If we've been entrusted with other servants, we're supposed to lead them well…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Prepare a Return

What can we expect when the Lord returns? Jesus wants us to be prepared, but how? What should we be doing? In the rest of this chapter, Jesus will be expanding on and illustrating His expectations. Today He uses the example of a master going…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Make Ready

Jesus is still answering His disciples' question: "What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" (Mt 24:3b) After giving all kinds of signs, both in regard to the time of the birth pains and of the time of…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Keep Watch

How do we motivate Christians to Christian living? One way is to convince people that Jesus is returning at any moment. But what Jesus has revealed here and what the rest of the Scriptures support and teach is that Jesus' return is not yet imminent.

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