Make Ready

Jesus is still answering His disciples' question: "What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" (Mt 24:3b)  After giving all kinds of signs, both in regard to the time of the birth pains and of the time of the end, Jesus now gives this parable of the ten virgins.  There are foolish virgins that miss out on the wedding feast, rejected by the bridegroom as unknown to Him.  There are wise virgins who prepared to endure to the end of their wait.  They were ready.  They were welcome.  This is a message to Jesus' disciples, to those who follow Him.  There are wise ones among them, and there are foolish.  Which one are you?  Which one am I?  We need to know what distinguishes the wise from the foolish virgins, so that we can make sure we're making ourselves ready.  From Matthew 25:1-13.