Matthew 24 (3)

Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Keep Watch

How do we motivate Christians to Christian living? One way is to convince people that Jesus is returning at any moment. But what Jesus has revealed here and what the rest of the Scriptures support and teach is that Jesus' return is not yet imminent.

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

The End

The disciples asked, "What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Beginning in verse 15, Jesus finally answers their question. "So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

The Birth Pains

There's nothing better than being a Christian! You sure about that? What makes it so? Jesus schools His disciples on what's coming for them, and it's not pretty. Are you sure you're ready to follow Christ? If you think it's not so bad, are you…

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