Messages (100)

Sermons and other messages

Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Least Made Glorious

It’s hard for us to understand what it’s like to grow up without hope and without God in this world, but the Gentiles of old understood. God had come near through the Gospel. Jesus’ death and resurrection were not for the Jews only, but also…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Break Barriers

Paul showed us our past last week, not to depress us, and not to excuse or justify our continuing to sin. He showed it to us so that we would deeply and truly understand what God has done for us, and we would be broken…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Fearless Sainthood

How are you doing with this idea of being called a saint? We’ve seen the incredible blessings God has given us in Christ, for His own glory. We’ve also seen the things Paul prays for saints, that they would continue to know God better and…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Praying for Saints

God “has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3b, NIV84)! Were you a little disappointed that Paul didn’t mention any material blessings? Or were you overjoyed at the spiritual blessings he showed us? Paul’s not done calling us…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

What God Has Done

If you are a child of God, then you are a saint. On the one hand, that title terrifies us. On the other, it is the sign of God’s great favor toward you. Can you live the life of a God-pleasing saint or will you…

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