Titus 1 (3)

Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer


Elders had two tasks: encourage the believers by sound doctrine and refute those who opposed sound doctrine (Titus 1:9). Refuting those who oppose sound doctrine is no joyful task, but one that is desperately needed, even today. There are far too many servants of Satan…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer


Paul appoints Titus to finish laying a foundation of Christian life and doctrine for the fledgling churches of Crete. This is what the whole letter is about, notes for Titus as he seeks to complete this task. Chief among Titus' duties is to establish trustworthy…

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Mark Bemenderfer Mark Bemenderfer

Godly Servants

The Great Commission included instruction for the Apostles to teach their disciples to obey everything Jesus commanded them. If everything Jesus commanded them had been included in the Gospels, there would be no need for the letters that make up the rest of the New…

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